FallTech's Duratech mini self-retracting devices are unbelievably compact with unyielding performance. This mini SRD is highly versatile, providing fall protection solutions beyond the capabilities of normal lanyards.
Falltech Model No. 72706SB1
ANSI Z359.14-2021 SRD Types and Classes Effective on August 1, 2023
Both types and classes were overhauled in 2021: "types" are SRL, SRL-P for personal devices meant to be installed on the user's full body harness, or SRL-R for devices with rescue/retrieval functions, and "classes" are Class 1 or Class 2. The SRD class is now applied to acceptable anchorage locations. Class 1 devices are suitable for at or above dorsal D-ring anchorage locations. Class 2 devices are suitable for above, at, or up to 5 feet below the dorsal D-ring anchorage locations AND must be leading edge rated. So, if your jobsite has edge exposures and you need a leading edge SRL or SRL-LE, you will be looking for a Class 2 device in compliance with ANSI/ASSP Z359.14-2021!