• Price $51.90
  • Product Code: T18240
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  • Availability In Stock

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ViewPack Shock Absorbing Lanyards set the standard for energy absorbing lanyards. A traditional pack-style shock absorber with clear PVC inspection window allows for easy inspection of the internal materials while protective label covers enhance the durability and product lifespan.

4' Shock Absorbing lanyard features single-leg construction and utilizes 1-inch polyester webbing for resistance to UV light and abrasion. Also features double-locking snap hooks at the attachment and anchorage ends.

Falltech Model No. 8254

  • ClearPack Shock Absorber limits arresting forces to 900 to 1,000 lbs or less.
  • Clear PVC cover protects shock absorber and allows for easy inspection.
  • 1-inch Webbing has a tensile strength of 9,800lbs. and features embedded wear-indicating threads.
  • Meets the requirements of OSHA 1926.

Tools made in the USA